Innately within us there resides the Spirit which wants to enlighten you, which is anxious to enlighten you, to give you the peace, the bliss, the joy of your being. This beautiful lamp of yours which is being created, is with a great purpose. It has to be enlightened. Respect yourself! There is no respect word left in the dictionary today. Respect yourself! We have to respect this lamp which has the light of the Spirit, that it should be enlightened, and let us be that lamp that shows the path of glorification of your being, and in that light we can see God’s Glory, too.
It’s such a beautiful world He has created for us. Everything He has given us, but we in our ignorance and in so-called freedom have ruined so many things. It is sometimes shocking to see how people are going just towards hell directly. For a Mother, it is a thing of great concern. How to stop this pull, how to get them out of it, how to make them understand what is your worth, what is your value. You don’t take human life for granted. It is a very precious life created out of many processes. With great difficulty it was created. Don’t forget that you have to become the Spirit. Without that your life is just a waste, the whole creation is a waste because you are the highest in the creation. You are the epitome of the creation, and what are you up to? We have to form nucleuses who will talk about Spirit now, openly about God. I was amazed to hear that in this country people don’t like to talk about God. You cannot talk about God.
As soon as you say, “God.”
“Oh nothing! God? That’s religion. That’s nothing to do with me.”
Can you imagine such a state of affair where you cannot talk about your Creator? Either you form some sort of a closed, secretive organization where everybody can not enter into, and say, “Now, we belong to certain cult of God.”
How can God have cults? Just think of it.
How can God have cults? Just think of it. How can He have separate churches, and separate temples and mosques, how can He have? How can we become fanatic in the name of God? Can you imagine? This is what we have done to God. We have become fanatic. Continue reading
“So the category of people today are of a different level, we must be aware of that. We must understand that the category is very different which perhaps media people don’t understand so much. I don’t think they have any idea as to what is the level of awareness of human beings today in the West. They are still of that old school which was busy fighting elections or strikes and this and that – all nonsensical things. But the people who are aware are many, many more than yet what we know of, that they are seeking something very different that their fathers and forefathers did not seek, because the times are such. Today, it’s a special time – special time where many people have to get their Spirit. But then again we are misled because people who are trying to exploit this have found a good market, and they come down to find out how they can market their goods in this new awareness of people.
And that’s how they come and befool us. We have cults and we have sects…
We get enamored because we are still not fully conscious or knowledgeable about what to expect in your spiritual pursuit. And that’s how they come and befool us. We have cults and we have sects, but one must understand that as you have grown through amoeba in your evolutionary process, gradually, from that to this level, the awareness has to also grow the same way, in a traditional way. It cannot be somebody like Freud coming up and saying something new, that we accept. Suddenly, how can we deviate from all those who talked of something very different from what Freud has been talking? Because it’s a mind which is of course very aware, but also it is what we call very right-sided mind, as is described in the Gita they are called as the people who are rajasikas, the people who are in action. They live with the power of action. Continue reading