What Sahaja Yoga & Shri Mataji Srivastava say about cults

Innately within us there resides the Spirit which wants to enlighten you, which is anxious to enlighten you, to give you the peace, the bliss, the joy of your being. This beautiful lamp of yours which is being created, is with a great purpose. It has to be enlightened. Respect yourself! There is no respect word left in the dictionary today. Respect yourself! We have to respect this lamp which has the light of the Spirit, that it should be enlightened, and let us be that lamp that shows the path of glorification of your being, and in that light we can see God’s Glory, too.

It’s such a beautiful world He has created for us. Everything He has given us, but we in our ignorance and in so-called freedom have ruined so many things. It is sometimes shocking to see how people are going just towards hell directly. For a Mother, it is a thing of great concern. How to stop this pull, how to get them out of it, how to make them understand what is your worth, what is your value. You don’t take human life for granted. It is a very precious life created out of many processes. With great difficulty it was created. Don’t forget that you have to become the Spirit. Without that your life is just a waste, the whole creation is a waste because you are the highest in the creation. You are the epitome of the creation, and what are you up to? We have to form nucleuses who will talk about Spirit now, openly about God. I was amazed to hear that in this country people don’t like to talk about God. You cannot talk about God.

As soon as you say, “God.”

“Oh nothing! God? That’s religion. That’s nothing to do with me.”

Can you imagine such a state of affair where you cannot talk about your Creator? Either you form some sort of a closed, secretive organization where everybody can not enter into, and say, “Now, we belong to certain cult of God.”

How can God have cults? Just think of it.

How can God have cults? Just think of it. How can He have separate churches, and separate temples and mosques, how can He have? How can we become fanatic in the name of God? Can you imagine? This is what we have done to God. We have become fanatic.

There’s a stone, when it … touchstone, when it touches anything it becomes gold. But there must be a stone, when it touches human beings they become like prisons. That’s why there is so much fanaticism. It’s a problem today. How to break this news and message that you are the Spirit and you have to become the Spirit?

There is a Marathi poet called Namdev. Because my mother tongue is Marathi and thank God, I have been born in Maharashtra because it’s a country of saints, thousands of saints lived in that country. It’s the tradition, is so Spiritual! Spirituality is the tradition of that place where I was born in that Maharashtra – called ‘Maha’ means the great, and ‘Rashtra’ means the nation. I don’t know why they thought of, but I feel that way, that the tradition is of spirituality, not of alcoholism or drugism or call any other ‘isms’ as they are. But of spirituality is the tradition in that country where a very simple poet called Namdev – he was a tailor, himself was just a tailor ordinary, and he said, has written a very sweet poem, which I will just tell you, explain what he says.

He says that a little boy is flying a kite in the sky. He’s looking at the sky, he’s talking to his friends, he’s moving upward and downward, and he’s discussing things here and there; but his attention is on the kite. Then, he says a lady who is carrying her little baby, is doing the work in the house, she’s giving water to her husband and she’s also sitting down and cooking. Then she’s getting up to wash something. The child is on her waist, resting; but her attention is all the time on the child. There’s a lady who is walking with a pitcher of water on her head. She’s walking with many other ladies, they are all walking together laughing, smiling young ladies talking to each other and discussing things; but their attention is on their Spirit, in the sense it is on that pitcher of water.

In the same way we, though we have to lead a life here, of other things, it is absurd that we do not have our attention on our Spirit which is the giver of joy – the ultimate in life. But as soon as you start talking about something like that, people think that it is something trash, not to be listened to. Most surprising! They want to hear the same mundane things again and again. You see, if it is a broadcast by, say, Conservative Party or Labor Party, or another party, or any other party, they’ll listen to it for hours together. It’s such a mundane stuff, every year you hear that.

But if somebody says that, “No, this is all artificial. You have something much more within you, rise to that point.”

They think it is something, “We have not come to hear all these things, what is this Mother telling us?”

But now awaken and arise! On a different level we have to come to understand that what these people have done so far – and we have accepted it, we have taken it for granted all these years – has done no good to us. We have to rise above this to see there is beyond the horizon, a star shining within us and that is our Spirit. People have talked about it – made another cult. Talk about God – made another cult.

…the BBC, they showed a cult which says, “We are doing God’s work.”

This time I saw one thing in the BBC, they showed a cult which says, “We are doing God’s work.”

Doing God’s work?

And, the ladies are tying up their thighs with thorns and things, and hurting themselves, cutting their flesh. And the explanation is – just imagine in the name of God doing such horrible stuff, and the explanation is that – “You must have mortification.”

Why? Why should you have?

“Because Christ did it.”

Are you Christ? And that means Christ, whatever He did is waste. Little bit of yours was needed to add.

Whatever He’s done is more than sufficient, because He was the Prince. And, if a Prince has to go through the mortification, it’s a very great thing. Not for a beggar to go through the mortification. What is so great? He’s already done it. He has worked for us. He’s just to be enlightened within us, and that’s how we have to get to our realization.

Now to sit down and to question is very easy. That’s the easiest thing to do, is to sit down and ask questions. But best is to get to it, to get your realization. That is the most important thing today. Of course, under the circumstances, as the human beings are, it is not going to work very fast. I am sure of it. I have tried My level best. Like mountains you have to raise the Kundalini, really like mountains – you feel so tired and fagged out. But then they don’t want to appreciate it, so not to feel disappointed, not to feel hurt about it. Slowly and steadily I am sure, in your own eyes people will see the light. People will see how your life is transformed into joy and bliss and understanding. They will see how loving and dignified you have become, and then they are going to believe that there is a better life for you.

The state is so bad for some people they see, as I told you, a black picture of the whole thing. They are so disappointed that they have given up. They have just given up. They say, “Now, we’ve finished with it. We’ve done everything now. We don’t want to do any more.”

I’ve seen in France many people are sitting outside and discussing that, “When are we going to have now the ten stars meeting together to collapse this world, once for all.” They are discussing that, “Let us be finished soon now. We have had enough of it. Let’s have the ultimate destruction, whether it was atom bomb or anything, let us be finished, had enough of it.”

It is so desperate. I can understand their desperation, those who are thinking about it, those who are concerned about it, and bothered about it. No doubt one would feel desperate. Even the Sahaja Yogis sometimes get very upset and get extremely desperate and they say, “Give up Mother, just we’re finished with it. Now, no more!”

But I don’t know how to remove My attention from the Spirit. If you can try, you try your level best to remove it; you cannot, now you are there. So whatever it is, till the last breath of your life you will fight to save as many as possible. So all those Sahaja Yogis who get very frustrated in certain endeavors, I have to say – you should not be frustrated. You have to keep your courage and understanding that, if you have feeling for others, and if you really show your concern to them, they will understand you and will be able to get more and more people saved, emancipated and they will enter into the Kingdom of God. As you are enjoying, they will also enjoy.

Only snag in the enjoyment is that you feel that so many are still lost. Doesn’t matter. That has to be made up. You have to work hard. We have to understand that there are negative forces which are pulling them down. They are ignorant; they do not know beyond this life, resides the eternal life of beauty and glory. But gradually I am sure it will work out. Especially for this meeting, they had lots of ups and downs, and whole thing was very discouraging. But still, one must understand that God’s work is blessed by God. He will render all His help, all His Blessings on you, to enrich you, to enable you to perform your Divine duties.

The time is passing. Very little time left; it’s running out, and that’s why the desperation is more in people. This desperation itself has brought forth the advent of Sahaja Yoga on this earth, and you should feel more stronger to fight these obstructions that you feel around, and should work out the ultimate goal of this creation.


I would request people to be seated now for awhile, because we should try to get our Realization now. One should have little time for oneself. There is no limit of time in Sahaja Yoga. Whenever the Kundalini has to rise, She rises. May be today, may be tomorrow, may be the day after. Whenever you have to get your Realization, it works out. Only thing is we can expedite it, we can work harder to cleanse the path to achieve it, but we must make a start now and once it works out, then it is easy to handle it and to go further.

I am sure John must have told you about the Kundalini. Moreover, you can take the books from here. There are little books published for the first people who are coming to Sahaja Yoga. It looks very complicated, it is not. Like the switch here, which can put all the lights to their enlightenment, in the same way there’s a switch within you which is called as the Kundalini. And, all this machinery is not to be bothered about. Once you get your realization, the whole thing becomes very easy and you can get to it.

Of course, you know you can’t pay for it. It’s very low-level business to pay for it. People don’t understand that: how can you pay for God’s love? They can’t understand. This is beyond their mind because whatever they have got today, even the air they have to pay for. And, you cannot put in any effort, or you cannot put in any pain or any troublesome things for yourself. Moreover, there is complete freedom for you. We cannot bind you by writing down a sort of your name in the ledger, and then making you a member, and giving you a member card. There is nothing like that in Sahaja Yoga as possible. You can see it very clear, it is not possible if you understand on what level I am talking. You are absolutely free to get your Realization, absolutely free to move further with it, and even at that moment if you want to leave, you are absolutely free to leave. There’s nobody who is going to ask you to come back. It is your own desire, it is your own wish and it is your free will that is going to be respected.

So nobody should think that we have a membership like a cult

So nobody should think that we have a membership like a cult has or there is any fear that if you get out of Sahaja Yoga, then these people will catch hold of our necks and bring it back. So it is not so. It is a welcoming place, and also it has an exit door. Some people just get through one door and get out, like a shuttle. No problem. It’s all right for us. On the contrary, one feels relieved with such people, because if they cannot stick on they cannot get to Sahaja. Like any tree, supposing if you embed it in the ground and start shifting from there, what will you do with such a tree? It cannot exist, it cannot grow.

So, it is your own understanding that you have to take to, your own wisdom. We cannot force Sahaja Yoga on anyone and neither we want to; nor Sahaja Yoga is going to fall at your feet and give you false ideas. Whatever it is, you see for yourself and receive the blessings of your Spirit, grow in it, understand it fully and enjoy it.

This kind of state never existed in human life before. It’s a very new world I’m talking about. Wherever you go, you have to pay, and then God knows whether you enjoy it or not, but here it is within you, it’s all within you, it’s there. Only thing is that you have to know yourself. Now, in a ego-oriented personality there can be a question why Mother should do it. It’s a thankless job, I tell you. If you can do it, I’ll be very thankful to you. It’s really a thankless job in the sense that you feel so hurt, when you work so hard on a person, give him Realization, raise the Kundalini, really work very, very hard; and then the person just turns out to be a criminal somewhere, you just don’t know what to say. It’s like a mother who gives birth to a child, looks after the child, and makes it grow; and then he ends up like a criminal. It’s very, very saddening, but doesn’t matter.